Thursday, October 3, 2013

Whats anything gotta do with it???

2 weeks before I was about to start work after my post graduation, I visited a friend at his house and told him how much I love to travel. He asked me about the places I have travelled to and my answer was ‘None yet. But I have plans.’ He’s a loud laugher and as you can imagine… he laughed loudly.

3 years, several places in India and in 12 other countries down, the last time I spoke to him, he told me he’s proud of me for the travelling. I hope to meet my friend soon and tell him that what you have done has nothing to do with what you can do.

The single most important value I grew up with has been that when you want something, want it badly enough to not stop until you get it even if it means you die trying. So far, its die trying mode and I hope it wouldn’t be by the time death really does come. I didn’t grow up with a lot of luxuries, didn’t even have a toy to play with growing up but I grew up learning how to fend for myself and to value those luxuries. Life’s too short to be poor. 

I don’t believe that what happens is always meant to happen. I believe what happens is what you consciously do to make things happen. Before everything that happens in life, there is a moment when you decide who you want to be and that determines the choice you make. It may even be a split second but its there. 

I blame my mother for this. Its not always the most convenient life philosophy to be handed over. I didn’t grow up wanting a convenient life, I grew up wanting the life I want. I see no greater reason for doing anything than the desire to want to do it. The desire to do something can override just about everything else. I don't want to have to ever make a choice, I want it all.

Logic often does not define the most adventurous things in life- Skydiving… Bungee jumping…  Cult groups… Marriage…

I don’t have stability. I do have happiness.
I don’t have addictions. I do have too much variety to develop an addiction.
I don’t have a lot of good friends. I do have friends who I can call even at 4am… and they pick up.
I don’t have a car. I do have stories about the people I've met while travelling in public transportation.
I don’t have a house. I do have an exit strategy no matter the place... or person.
I don’t have a liking for self-help books. I do have good taste in music.
I don’t have insurance. I do have the budget for my next travel plan.