Monday, November 24, 2014

It’ll be over soon

He held me still by the arms…
Running his hands through my hair…
Bringing them down to my lips…
A tear crawling to his fingers…

His body pushing me farther behind,
His lips on my neck,
I tried to scream,
I knew he couldn’t hear me now.

Tearing my innocence,
With his bare hands and skin,
He looked at me for a moment,
He held me close, so still.

Lost in his trance state,
He forced himself on me,
The curtains flying to the breeze,
Red covered my wounds.

I stopped trying to run away…
I moved to scars as I held him…
I heard him smile…
‘Don’t rape me’, another tear fell…

He had whispered to me then,
‘It’ll be over soon’
It isn’t… It never will be…

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